Ryan Cable
What is your current role, or what are you working on?
I am a commercial arbitration specialist focusing on resources/mining/oil & gas disputes, with Clayton Utz, an Australian law firm.
I returned to Australia in 2023 after more than seven years working in London on international arbitration and investor-state disputes. London was great but Australian weather is hard to beat!
What is your proudest achievement?
I really enjoy acting for "David" in David and Goliath arbitrations. I'm proud of those times where I have contributed to the successful claim or defence of a "little guy" against a well-resourced and aggressive counterparty.
There are now 25 hours in a day! How would you spend your extra hour?
Playing with my two kids! A dedicated hour every day to just be with them and be a kid myself would be great!
If you weren't a lawyer, what would you do?
I would absolutely love to be a rescue helicopter pilot. Took a helicopter flying lesson once. Was very hard to go back to work the next day.
Your favourite food haunt is...?
My wife and I would regularly do weekend trips from London across Europe. I'll always remember Bar do Fundo, a seafood restaurant about an hour's drive from Lisbon. Table on the deck, local ('green') wine, sunshine. Perfect. As the photo suggests, I like it there.