Jonathan Muk

⚒️ What do you do?

I am a disputes lawyer at LVM Law Chambers LLC.

I represent both individuals and corporations in complex commercial disputes that are litigated or arbitrated, with a specialisation on matters involving fraud and internal investigations – in the course of my relatively short career, I have already executed 2 search orders.

🏆 What is your proudest achievement?

Back in Junior College, I was captaining the floorball team. Our teacher in charge said that the school didn’t have funds for our coach to accompany us to the A division competitions.

I went to the principal’s office and spoke to the manager (who later informed the principal).

A few days later, I was lectured by the Head of Department of the Physical Education department for breaching the chain of command through my actions. 

That said, I still got the funds! Our coach came with us to the competition and we placed second.

After we won the competition, the teacher in charge told me he was really angry at what I did as well.

Why I consider this my proudest achievement – for the first time in my life, I stood up to what I saw as a gross dereliction of duty on the part of the teacher and stood up for my teammates, who had trained so hard throughout the year for the competition only to be let down at the last minute.

This was a defining moment for me and to this day, I don’t regret what I did. If I had to live life again, I would do it again.

⌛ There are now 25 hours in a day! How do you spend your extra hour?

Either playing with my daughter, or spending unhurried time with God. The former is something I don’t spend enough time doing, and the latter is something that I always want to do, but find that life is too rushed and I don’t get to do.

🚀 If you weren't a lawyer, what would you do?

Probably an engineer. Had I been taught by teachers who displayed passion for Physics, I think engineering would have been quite a fun field to get into.

😋 Your favourite food haunt (bonus points if it's off the beaten track!)

Amoy Hawker Centre. It’s near my office and I’m spoilt for choice every lunchtime at Amoy.

Note: This interview was edited for clarity and length.


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Donovan Cheah