Janet Chai
What is your current role?
I am a partner specialising in commercial and construction disputes at a law firm where I was trained since completing my pupillage in 2006. I am currently working on several cases, including one that was recently covered in the news. In this case, the Government of Malaysia was ordered by the High Court to transfer a significant piece of prime land to a private entity, giving effect to a 2009 order that found the Government liable for a flawed compulsory acquisition process carried out in the 1950s.
What is your proudest achievement?
I don’t have one single proud achievement. To this very day, I am still learning every day from my partners, colleagues, clients, peers, friends and family - working on improving my skills, my practice and myself.
If you had 25 hours in a day, what would you do with the extra hour?
I would use that extra hour to catch up on things I had to miss or could not complete - whether it is spending time with family and friends, hitting the gym or scheduling running plans, catching up on work or reading, or simply resting and relaxing.
If you weren't a lawyer, what would you be?
I have been asking myself the same question for the past 15 years. I still cannot think of what else I would rather do. Till today, I feel immensely proud to say that I am a member of the Malaysian Bar and upon reflection of my practice, I do feel a sense of satisfaction from all that I have learnt and experienced. More importantly, the profession itself has introduced to me many good friends and colleagues, all of whom I treasure.
Your favourite food haunt is...?
I have too many favourites to list - Raju’s for roti canai, MTR for thosai, Verandah for banana leaf rice and the Regent for steamed pork patty, to name a few that I really enjoy.