Eugene Thong

⚒️ What do you do?

I work at The Arbitration Chambers as tribunal secretary.

Currently I’m working on, amongst other things, two bilingual commercial arbitration cases as well as a handful of investment arbitration cases, including a non-ICSID one.

🏆 What is your proudest professional achievement?

I wouldn’t really call it my proudest achievement (not really sure what that would be), but I still think it remarkable that I once managed to pull through (and pass) a series of law exams starting three days after a fire broke out at home which had left me quite literally without a proper roof over my head. 😅

Throughout the entire exam season, I was also reviewing study materials with sounds of renovation works in the background. 😫

⌛ There are now 25 hours in a day! How do you spend your extra hour?

Maybe a swim 🏊‍♂️, or some calligraphy.

🚀 If you weren't a lawyer, what would you do?

I honestly don’t know. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I wouldn’t say that being a lawyer is how I define myself, but in adolescence I once sat down and drew up a list of things I would like to have in a job, and realised that the legal profession was a pretty good fit. 🤩

😋 Your favourite food haunt (bonus points if it's off the beaten track!)

I don’t really have a favourite food haunt so I’ll recommend a number of good lunch / dinner places in the Tanjong Pagar area in Singapore, where I work, instead:


James d'Apice


Mariel Dimsey